Is it Worth Suing a Tenant for Unpaid Rent Post-Eviction?

In the dynamic world of rental properties in Central Florida, landlords often face the dilemma of dealing with tenants who leave behind unpaid rent after having been evicted. The question then arises: Is it worth it to sue a tenant for unpaid rent after they have already been evicted? This article aims to guide landlords through this complex decision, weighing legal options against practical realities.

Legal Considerations for Suing After an Eviction

Before proceeding with legal action, it’s crucial for landlords to understand the legal framework that governs such matters in Orlando, Florida.

  • Landlord-Tenant Law: Familiarize yourself with Florida’s landlord-tenant law, which outlines your rights and responsibilities as a landlord, including avenues for legal recourse.
  • Lease Agreement: The lease agreement is your primary document in this situation. It should clearly state the consequences of non-payment and eviction procedures.
  • Evidence Collection: Gather all necessary documentation, including rent records, communication with the tenant, and eviction notices served, as these will be crucial in any legal proceedings.

Assessing the Viability of Legal Action

Assessing the viability of legal action to recover unpaid rent from a tenant after a non-payment eviction is a critical step that requires landlords to consider various aspects. It’s not just about the legality but also about the practicality and feasibility of such an action. Here are some expanded considerations:

  • Financial Stability of the Tenant: It’s essential to realistically assess the financial situation of the evicted tenant. If they are financially insolvent or have limited assets, the likelihood of recovering the full amount of unpaid rent might be quite low. Moreover, even if you win the case, enforcing the judgment and actually collecting the funds can be a complex and often fruitless endeavor. Therefore, it’s crucial to evaluate whether the tenant has steady employment, significant assets, or other sources of income that could be used to satisfy the judgment. Think of it this way—if they weren’t able to pay rent, will they be able to satisfy a judgment?
  • Legal Costs vs. Unpaid Rent: One of the primary considerations is the cost-benefit analysis of the legal process. Legal expenses can quickly add up, including court fees, attorney fees, and the potential costs associated with enforcing a judgment. These costs should be carefully compared against the total amount of unpaid rent. If the unpaid rent is relatively small, the legal expenses might outweigh the potential recovery, rendering the lawsuit financially impractical. Additionally, it’s important to consider the possibility that you might not recover these legal costs, even if you win the case.
  • Your Time and Resources: Legal proceedings can be time-consuming and often require a significant commitment of resources. This includes not only the financial aspect but also the time and effort needed to prepare and follow through with the case. This commitment can include gathering documentation, meeting with lawyers, attending court sessions, and potentially dealing with post-judgment collection processes. These efforts can detract from other important aspects of your business, such as managing your properties, finding new tenants, and maintaining your existing tenant relationships. It’s important to consider whether the potential recovery of unpaid rent is worth this investment of your time and resources.

Suing an evicted tenant for unpaid rent requires careful evaluation of the tenant’s ability to pay, the potential legal costs relative to the amount owed, and the impact on your time and resources. The decision whether to sue a tenant for unpaid rent should be made after thorough consideration and, ideally, consultation with a legal professional who can provide insight into the specifics of your case and the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Pros and Cons of Suing an Already Evicted Tenant


  1. Financial Recovery: The primary benefit is the potential recovery of unpaid rent, which can significantly impact your revenue.
  2. Setting a Precedent: Taking legal action can serve as a deterrent, setting a firm precedent for current and future tenants regarding rent payment and eviction policies.


  1. Cost and Time: The legal process can be lengthy and expensive, often requiring more resources than initially anticipated.
  2. Uncertain Outcome: There’s always a risk of not achieving the desired outcome, which might result in further financial losses.

Alternative Strategies

Before deciding to sue, consider alternative strategies:

  • Negotiation: Try negotiating a payment plan with the tenant. This approach can often lead to faster and less contentious results.
  • Mediation: Engaging in mediation with a neutral third party can help resolve the issue without going to court.
  • Write-Offs and Tax Implications: While this is not tax advice, sometimes, writing off the unpaid rent as a bad debt and taking advantage of potential tax deductions can be more practical. Speak to a licensed accountant to see what options are available to you.

Morey Law Firm, P.A.: The Central Florida Landlord Law Firm

For landlords throughout Central Florida, deciding to sue a tenant for unpaid rent after an eviction requires a careful balance between upholding legal rights and making pragmatic business decisions. It involves assessing the likelihood of recovery against the costs and potential impact on your business.

As a landlord in, your focus should remain on managing your properties efficiently and maintaining good landlord-tenant relationships, while also being firm in upholding your rights and responsibilities. If you are facing this dilemma and need further guidance, feel free to speak with one of our Orlando Landlord Tenant Attorneys who can provide tailored advice for your specific situation.

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250 N. Orange Ave., Ste. 1220, Orlando, FL 32801
